E-Quality Project Final Conference

The final press conference to present the European Erasmus+ E-Quality
project, is taking place in Rome on Wednesday 22 May 2024, at Palazzo Valentini, headquarters of the Metropolita City of Rome Capital, at 15:00p.m.

The E-Quality Project involved eight partners from 5 different European Countries and its main goal is to produce new e-tools to develop skills and a strengthened culture of gender equality within municipal administration. The project is cofunded by the European Commission and its objectives included the creation of training modules on gender equality and an online platform with guidelines and good practicies for educating municipal employess and assisting municipalities in promoting gender equality in their services and operations.

Apart from the partners’ representatives, the following speakers will participate in the final conference:

Valerio Lucciarini De Vincenzi, Secretary
ALI General; Tiziana Biolghini, Delegate Councilor for Equal Opportunities and Social Policy of Metropolitan
City of Rome Capital; Monica Lucarelli, Councilor for Equal Opportunities of Rome
Capital; Javier Dorado Porras, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; Elisa Giovannetti, Former President
Women’s Association; Barbara Bertoncin, Vice President of the Women’s Association; Kenza Benohoud,
Solution: Solidarity & Inclusion; Roberta Mori, Regional Councilor of Emilia Romagna.

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