As part of the project, we organized an online training course to present the results: the project website and its learning platform. We took time to[...]

As part of the project, we organized an online training course to present the results: the project website and its learning platform. We took time to[...]
In June, we organized a multiplier event to present the project to around fifty participants. In a friendly setting in the 20th arrondissement of [...]
Smart Umbrella Management Solutions E.E. welcomed more than 50 participants of the Greek Public Sector, representing Municipalities and Municipal Org[...]
Rome, May 22, 2024 - The final conference of the European project Erasmus+ EQuality, a project funded by the European Union, was held in Rome at Pala[...]
On May 6 2024 Women organized its Local Gender Equality Training, as part of the Erasmus+ E-Quality Project. The training was organized thanks to the[...]
The final press conference to present the European Erasmus+ E-Qualityproject, is taking place in Rome on Wednesday 22 May 2024, at Palazzo Valentini,[...]
On April the 19th 2024, the national online training for Spanish municipalities of the E-Quality project took place. This training was given by the t[...]
From 28 November to 2 December, the meeting of the members of the E-Quality project took place in Madrid. The Cross-fertilization transnational train[...]
We were pleased to welcome our E-quality project partners to Paris for the fourth Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) on November 28, 2023. This meet[...]
Smart Umbrella, the Greek partner of the eQuality project, organized and hosted the “Transnational Training on Gender Equality for Municipalities”, d[...]