Royal Decree 902/2020, October 13th, on equal pay for men and women


This norm includes specific measures to enforce the right to equal treatment and non-discrimination between women and men in matters of remuneration. It tries to develop mechanisms to identify the existence of unjustified or discriminatory pay gaps.  The regulation establishes the principle of transparency, that shall be applied, at least, through the following instruments: 1) Remuneration Register, whose purpose is to guarantee transparency in the configuration of remuneration and adequate access to the remuneration information of companies 2) Remuneration Audit, whose aim is to obtain the necessary information to verify whether the company's remuneration system complies with the effective application of the principle of equality between women and men in the area of remuneration 3) Job evaluation system in the company's professional classification and in the applicable collective bargaining agreement  4)  Workers' right to information.