Words that make the difference (EN)


Need to give an effective response to those who resist the use of feminine forms in communication by highlighting that gender declination corresponds to the correct use of language; the Italian language expects to be able to express and represent reality and, since in Italian the declension of gender is linguistically correct, we can use the double declension whenever it is foreseen by the rules of Italian grammar, taking care to safeguard the readability of the text.


This guide was born from in-depth reflection on the importance of internal and external communication of the Public Administration as a vehicle for promoting a language that respects differences.
Respect for differences is a fundamental premise of the well-being that the Administration must ensure for its citizens, as well as for those who work in the Administration, putting everyone in a position to feel nominated and to have access to the tools, including linguistic ones, so as not to exclude anyone.
The words we use to name and mean naturally have a weight in this process and can, together with many other factors, make a difference, even more so if these words are the words of an Institution.


Public employees, admnistrators, citizens.

Description of the policy / project

These guidelines are designed to support you in finding linguistic solutions that respect gender differences. It is also possible to find theoretical insights designed to explain where some stereotypes and prejudices arise.

Some aspects of the guide were implemented immediately, however periodic meetings, updating of the intranet and training are still underway.

Overcame obstacle

The official interviewed states that no obstacles of any kind were encountered.