Talentia 360. Women managers (EN)


Women's difficulties in gaining access to positions of responsibility in business and the public sector.


Training for women to facilitate access to positions of responsibility both in business and in the public sector.


Companies and public sector

Description of the policy / project

The programme consists of structured and comprehensive training, including coaching and networking, with a gender and multidisciplinary perspective, to strengthen the managerial skills of the participants as a decisive factor for their professional projection. The aim is to enable participants to make a qualitative leap in their professional careers, reaching positions of greater responsibility and being able to be a driving force for change in their companies. The companies are also committed to promoting the participants in the short or medium term. Since 2018, a sub-programme aimed at the State Security Forces and Corps has also been included to promote the professional development and leadership of women in the Civil Guard and National Police, providing different training, professional development and capacity building activities according to the different professional categories.

Overcame obstacle
