Guide for equal pay for work of equal value between men and women in collective bargaining (EN)


Non-Equal Pay for Equal work between Men and Women


Ensuring Equal Pay for Equal work between Men and Women


Women Population

Description of the policy / project

The Maltese Constitution states, ' The State shall promote the equal rights of men and women to enjoy all economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights.' It strives to 'eliminate all forms of discrimination between the sexes by any person, organisation or enterprise.' 

The pay gap persists when comparing the earnings of women and men of the same race or ethnicity. However, it is significantly worse for women of colour. Unequal pay goes beyond basic income. It includes:


  • non-discretionary bonuses,

  • overtime rates,

  • sick pay,

  • benefits such as life or health insurance,

  • and other allowances.

Overcame obstacle

Women and men performing work that is different in content, involving different responsibilities, requiring different skills or qualifications, and is performed under different conditions, but is overall of equal value, should and now receive equal remuneration.