Giving health a voice (EN)


In France today, the majority of healthcare professionals are women: they account for 80% of the care professions and 52% of the cure professions in the hospital sector.
But these figures plummet as we move up the hierarchy of healthcare establishments. In fact, for example, only 20% of PU-PH (University Professor-Practitioner of Medicine) posts are filled by women.
(University Professor - Hospital Practitioner) are currently held by women.
87% of female doctors say they have felt discriminated against in their careers
and 58% confirm that maternity and family life are obstacles
when applying for positions of responsibility.


Improving equality between women and men and creating a calm, motivating and equitable working climate for all women and men, implies a paradigm shift within both public and private establishments.


The association's main aim is to help women working in the healthcare sector. It also fights against sexist stereotypes in the medical field.

Description of the policy / project

The Association "donner des ELLES à la santé" created in 2020 aims to advance equality between women and men in the professional healthcare sector and to combat sexist and sexual violence.

The association is present throughout France. In particular, it works in partnership with a number of committed hospitals in several regions.

The association focuses on four key areas:
Raising awareness of stereotypes, gender discrimination and SGBV (sexist and sexual violence) in the healthcare sector.
Promoting the development of the Equality Approach in healthcare establishments.
Unite players committed to change towards gender equality in healthcare.
Support women's empowerment through training, speaking out, partnerships with institutions, mentoring....

To this end, it is developing tools to raise awareness:
A model charter for medical establishments to promote professional equality between men and women
A guide of recommendations for deploying an equality approach in medical establishments
A list of partner establishments

In addition, every year, the association works with Ispos to produce a barometer that takes stock of perceptions of the behavior of men and women in the healthcare sector.
Finally, the association offers workshops on topics that can help women in the medical field.

As an association, the workshops and support offered are free of charge. The organization receives public subsidies and can count on a large team of volunteers.

Overcame obstacle

The 2023 report reveals a number of alarming figures that testify to a system that is still too unequal in the medical profession:
- 78% of female doctors have been victims of sexist behavior
- Only 49% of hospital doctors consider that the rules governing appointments to positions of responsibility are transparent.
- For the time being, only one in two doctors is prepared to invest in their medical establishment to promote gender equality.