Evə, the first Whatsapp number for contraception and sexual health (EN)


Contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy terminations, vaginal infections. It is not always easy to ask questions about these topics, go to a counseling center or find the correct information.


This is why Evə was born, an innovative instant messaging service activated by the ASL of Bari and the Di Venere-Fallacara family planning operational unit.


All the citizens.

Description of the policy / project

Evə owes its name to the first woman but also to the language that evolves in favor of inclusion. Evolution also in the form of requesting assistance on contraception and in general on reproductive and sexual health. From now on it can be done via chat, with the protection of personal data.

The Whatsapp number, 366 6240059, is active every day, including holidays, from 8am to 8pm. The service is coordinated by Dr Giulia Caradonna, together with a team of midwives.

Overcame obstacle
