Alba Service (EN)
Accessibility to information of resources in cases of male violence for deaf people.
Accessibility in sign language to care resources. Accessible services and support to deaf people who do not know how to act or where to go in a situation of gender violence.
Deaf women victims of gender violence or sexist violence and victims of sexual exploitation trafficking.
Deaf professionals who are experts in gender violence accompany women to access resources. Information about resources in accessible format and information to professionals who care for deaf victims are also offered. The service is free of charge and is financed by the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 and ONCE Foundation. It has numerous resources on the web.
The ALBA service for care and advice on gender violence for deaf women aims to alleviate the lack of accessibility faced by deaf victims of gender violence by providing them with a service platform in Spanish sign language and chat that preserves their anonymity and confidentiality of your calls. During 2022, ALBA provided 31 services and responded to hundreds of queries from professionals.
The platform has, in turn, a repository of accessible resources on its website that this year has reached 8,149 visits, and which has been enriched with new videos in Spanish sign language on different topics of interest. Such is the case of information about the Punto Violeta guide, about feminicide, about vicarious violence, or about chemical submission. To this must be added a process of updating the service's website aimed at updating and expanding the content and professionalizing its image thanks to the financing of the Government Delegation against Gender Violence.