Action “Her Research” initiative by the Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Greece (EN)


The field of science and technology, unfortunately, still does not treat women in the profession with equality, resulting in brilliant female researchers not being recognized as much as they should be.


The goal of the #Her_Research action is to empower women researchers in technology-related issues, facilitate their access to funding, promote the exchange of valuable information and experiences, and facilitate their networking in the business world.


The primary aim of SEGE for the #Her_Research action is to encourage women researchers to be more active in seeking funding and to position themselves as leaders of teams. #Her_Research seeks to change how the research ecosystem perceives women researchers and how they perceive themselves within it.

Description of the policy / project

The valuable support is achieved through innovative initiatives, including the support of three groups of women researchers who will receive FREE assistance in writing research proposals for Horizon Europe or equivalent research programs from a Specialized Team of Technical Advisors. Additionally, 10 teams with substantial participation of women researchers will receive a FREE full Educational and Advisory package of 10 hours from the Specialized Team of Technical Advisors. Finally, all participating female researchers will have the opportunity to participate in a 2-hour specialized seminar on research resources, and they will also receive an additional 2 hours of mentoring on this topic.

Overcame obstacle

Access of women researchers to funded programs and the pursuit of funding for the implementation of their research projects.