About Us
The project “E-QUALITY: New e-tools to develop skills and a strengthened culture of gender equality within municipal administrations” aims at strengthening the capacity of public administrations to promote gender equality policies by developing two strategic tools:
- the development of training curricula addressed to European public administrations, with the aim of providing operational tools and practical suggestions to implement gender equality policies;
- the creation of a digital interactive platform, designed to become a point of reference for best practices and suggestions about gender equality policies, a virtual space for exchange and a virtual container for making training curricula public and shareable.
The “E-Quality” project was approved on August 2021. The overall objective of the project is to create the conditions for continuing to develop actions on gender culture at a decision-making level in order to improve and raise awareness about the position of women in society, promoting their greater inclusion, civic engagement and participation. In order to make a significant change and achieve such a goal, the project aims at increasing the knowledge of administrators and public employees on gender culture, developing tools to support public agencies in achieving gender equality and contributing to social and territorial planning through the dissemination of project results.
The partnership is composed by WOMEN as lead partner and the following organizations: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid – Madrid – Spain; Smart Umbrella management solutions – Thessaloniki – Greece; Solution: Solidaritè & Inclusion – Paris – France; Lega delle Autonomie Locali – Rome – Italy; Agrupaciòn de Profesionales para el Desarollo Internacional – Granada – Spain; Gharb Local Council – Malta.
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