Dana + Project (EN)


Difficulties faced by women in accessing employment and gender inequalities in the labor market.


To develop actions that promote equality in employment through interventions with stakeholders.


Unemployed women (especially women who face special barriers to access to employment), entrepreneurs and businesswomen, labor organizations, structures responsible for the promotion of employment and equality and the general population of the Autonomous Communities (regions) involved.

Description of the policy / project

The project is developed through three areas of intervention: 1) Empowerment of women for access to employment and self-employment. Women have access to different services that accompany them in their employment and entrepreneurship itineraries through information and counseling, training, accompaniment and follow-up, labor intermediation, motivation for entrepreneurship, financial intermediation and promotion of business and entrepreneurship networks. 2) Counseling to labor market structures and organizations. Companies, public administrations and other organizations have advisory, training and accompaniment services to support the integration of equality between women and men and reconciliation in their operation and policies 3) Observatory for Equality and Employment: Offers specialized information and documentation to improve knowledge on gender gaps in the main employment and entrepreneurship indicators and the causes that produce them, as well as recommendations for integrating the gender perspective in the operation and activity of labor organizations.

Overcame obstacle
