Organic Law 1/2004, december 28th, of Measures for Integral Protection against Gender Violence


Date of entry into force
28/01/2005 – with the exception of the criminal law protection and the judicial protection (Titles IV and V, that entered into force 28/06/2005).

The norm aims to prevent and combat violence against women when it has been exercised by who are or have been their spouses or who are or have been linked to them by similar emotional relationships, even without cohabitation. It includes any act of physical and psychological violence -including attacks on sexual freedom, threats, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty- and the violence exercised against relatives of close minors of a woman when they are attacked with the intention of causing harm to the woman.The law contemplates measures of awareness, prevention and detection; in the educational and in the health fields and on advertising and media. Also recognizes rights from the victims: information, comprehensive social care and support and free legal aid; some labor rights and social security benefits and other aids such as economic and housing aids. A Government Delegation and an Observatory against Gender Violence were established as well as criminal specialized courts and criminal measures were introduces.