Law 39/1999, november 5th, to Promote Conciliation of family and labour life of working people.
The law introduces legislative changes in the field of work so that workers can participate in family life, taking a new step towards equal opportunities for women and men. It also seeks to strike a balance in favour of maternity and paternity leave without negatively affecting women's access to employment, working conditions and access to positions of special responsibility. At the same time, it makes it easier for men to share in the care of their children from the moment they are born or join the family.
As an important novelty, it is worth highlighting that the Law facilitates men's access to the care of their children from the moment of their birth or their incorporation into the family. Likewise, the right to reduced working hours and leave of absence is extended to workers who have to take care of elderly and sick people, in line with demographic changes and the ageing of the population. Important modifications are also introduced in the regulation of leave for adoption and permanent and pre-adoptive fostering.