Royal Decree 901/2020, October 13th, which regulates Equality plans and their Registration and amends Royal Decree 713/2010, May 28th, on the Registration and Deposit of Collective Labor Agreements and Arrangements


This norm regulates the equality plans regarding: 1) the companies obliged to negotiate, draw up and implement an equality plan 2) the negotiating mechanism to elaborate the equality plans 3) the content of the diagnosis to identify and estimate the magnitude, through quantitative and qualitative indicators, of the inequalities, differences, disadvantages, difficulties and obstacles, existing or that may exist in the company with the objective of achieving effective equality between women and men  4) the material scope of the equality plans, developing the content that these must have 5) monitoring and evaluation measures and systems, stressing the need to adopt review criteria and deadlines that guarantee the effectiveness and adequacy of the equality plans 6) the obligation to register equality plans.  This Decree also includes, as an essential part of the content of the diagnosis, the remuneration audits regulated later by the Royal Decree 902/2020.